Das von der Bundesregierung beschlossene Deutschlandticket, welches bundesweit im Nahverkehr gilt, wurde zum 1. Mai 2023 eingeführt. Es handelt sich um ein Abonnement mit monatlicher Kündbarkeit zum Preis von 49,00 Euro pro Monat (ab 01.01.2025: 58,00 €).
Mit dem JugendticketBW haben die Verbünde in Baden-Württemberg am 01.03.2023 ein landesweit gültiges Produkt für Schülerinnen und Schüler, Auszubildende, Studierende, Freiwilligendienstleistende unter 27 Jahren und sonstige junge Erwachsene unter 21 Jahren eingeführt. Das Abonnement für den Nahverkehr kostet 30,42 Euro im Monat (ab 01.01.2025: 39,42 €). Voraussetzung ist ein Wohnort in Baden-Württemberg.
Das JugendticketBW ersetzt das SchülerKreisTicket ("SKT"). Das RegioAbo S ist weiterhin für alle Personen über 27 Jahren und/oder Wohnort außerhalb Baden-Württemberg mit entsprechendem Berechtigungsnachweis erhältlich.
Das JugendticketBW wurde zum 01.12.2023 durch das bundesweit gültige D-Ticket JugendBW ersetzt.
Since the beginning of the year there is a price cap on the KolibriCard. This means that the maximum amount of a single-day or solo-net day ticket is calculated, no matter how many times you travel by bus and train on that day. This applies to both the RegioTarif and the HNV tariff.
Since 1.01.2019 the bicycle transport in the busses is restricted in the traffic area of KreisVerkehr. From Monday to Friday, bicycles are not allowed in the buses. On weekends and public holidays, on the other hand, the previous regulations continue to apply. Also in the trains, cycling is still possible in the district free of charge, with no exclusion time on all days.
The decision of the transport companies and the district to exclude bicycles during the week on the bus is due to the fact that the free parking spaces in the buses have been increasingly used for years by pushchairs, rollators and wheelchairs. Public transport companies endeavor to provide new, larger parking spaces in buses in the future, but this is only possible to a very limited extent due to the design of the interior of the bus and the desire of many passengers for a seat.
Since then, some cyclists had to get off the bus again with their bicycle, despite a valid ticket for themselves and the bicycle, when passengers with a stroller or wheelchair wanted to get on the bus at a follow-up stop. These take precedence over the bicycle, i. the drivers are instructed to give priority to these passengers. This often led to incomprehension and long discussions with the cyclists concerned.
In order to avoid further conflicts here, and because the cyclists can not be guaranteed transport (despite the purchase of a ticket) due to lack of space, the conditions of carriage (§11, para. 1, collection of goods) of KreisVerkehr GmbH have now been changed.
We ask all passengers with a bicycle to understand this decision. Both the state of Baden-Württemberg and us, together with the district and municipalities, are seeking to expand and improve the possibilities for the safe and comfortable parking of bicycles at public transport stops in the coming years. And even today there are often suitable bicycle parking areas at the stops, or at least in their vicinity.
The national Baden-Württemberg-Tarif (bwtarif) has started on December 2018 for all journeys by public transport in Baden-Württemberg, which extend beyond the boundaries of a transport association, as well as on individual routes to neighboring federal states. It is valid for all journeys in local trains (including S-Bahn trains) and includes the use of light rail vehicles and buses at the start and destination. It thus replaces the DB fare in local traffic within Baden-Württemberg.
When traveling within a transport network (for example KreisVerkehr or HNV) nothing changes with the introduction of the bwtarif. Despite the integrated use of public transport at the start and destination ("connection mobility"), the prices of the individual bwtarif tickets are generally noticeably lower than DB tariff in the past. This is possible because the government of BW has provided appropriate financial resources.
The bwtarif has started with single tickets and day passes. As part of the further development of the tariff until 2021, the aim is also to include time tickets for inter-group journeys (eg monthly tickets) in the bwtarif.
The Baden-Württemberg-Ticket and the MetropolTagesTicket are preserved. The discounts of BahnCard 25 or 50 on the bwtarif normal price (single tickets, round-trip tickets) are offered. For groups of 6 or more there is the bwGruppe offer. A journey costs with a bwEINFACH ticket (normal price) never more than 29.80 EUR per person. With BahnCard 50, this maximum price is reduced to 14.90 EUR per person.
All further information about the bwtarif you see at www.bwtarif.de.
From 1.08.2019, the VVS tariff to Mainhardt also applies on line 380 VVS (as line 20A in the timetable of KreisVerkehrs). At this time there is a change of operator on this line Sulzbach/Murr - Grosserlach - Mainhardt.
For a year, the VVS tariff on the line 372 VVS (KreisVerkehr schedule 21) applies to and from Mainhardt. The former operator Regiobus Stuttgart will be replaced by the new operator OVR (bus traffic Ruoff GmbH) on the line 380 and extended the schedule on the route from Monday to Friday.
Connections are offered almost every hour. The rides are tuned at the station Sulzbach/Murr on the trains of the Murrbahn.
On Saturday, the buses leave 1.08.2019 only on the line 372 between Sulzbach/Murr or Murrhardt and Mainhardt. Just as on Sundays and public holidays, there are many new connections on the weekend, and over the summer months of 1.05. until 31.10. even with bicycle transport.
In school traffic SKT tickets of the KreisVerkehrs are still recognized on both lines to Großerlach. Thus, there are no changes for pupils at school location Mainhardt on the lines 372 and 380 by extending the VVS tariff.
Bicycles are transported free of charge within the area Schwäbisch Hall in the local trains of Deutsche Bahn (RB/RE). This allows the district Schwäbisch Hall.
This regulation applies to the following sections:
If there is space in the train (multi-purpose compartment, marked in timetable with bicycle symbol), tandems, recumbents and tricycles as well as bicycle trailers can be transported free of charge.
Also at VVS, HNV and VRN there is a free bicycle transport in the trains of local transport, but with lock-up time Mon-Fri 6:00 to 9:00 o'clock. If you want to take your bicycle on the train during the rest period, you must also take a bicycle card in addition in the mentioned alliances.
In general, the following applies to the transport of bicycles in the trains: the transport is only possible if there is room for it. The corresponding entrances are marked on the trains. Strollers and wheelchair users have priority!
Please strap the luggage off the bicycle and store it separately so that further cyclists can get on the next stop and find room. Passengers are requested to vacate the storage space in the multi-purpose compartments in favor of the bicycle, baby carriage and wheelchair transport and to take a seat in the compartments.
This is the only way to get as many cyclists as possible in the cycle season and to keep the train times at the train stations. A quick stowing of the bicycles is an advantage for all travelers, so that the trains can keep the timetable and connections are not lost. Thank you for your understanding.
Informations to own contribution in pupil monthly tickets (SKT) in the district of Schwäbisch Hall you see at Satzung zur Schülerbeförderung: On page 4 chapter „B. Eigenanteil“ you see at §6 „Eigenanteilspflicht“ the costs of own contribution in pupil monthly tickets.
The registration of groups (10 or more people) must be shown at least two working days (Mon-Fri) before departure at the transport operator.
Unfortunately, group transport is not possible with minibuses or the RufBus.
City mobil is a continuity ticket (single ticket) from the DB for long-distance transport passengers. Long-distance transport passengers with a City mobil-ticket (against additional charge) with one of the following destination stations: Schwäbisch Hall, SHA-Hessental or Crailsheim are authorised to take the local public transport (ÖPNV) in the Zone 10 (Schwäbisch Hall) or the Zone 50 (Crailsheim).
The KolibriCard can be used in the city and the district of Heilbronn within the HNV area (Heilbronner-Hohenloher-Haller Nahverkehr). Also, the (((eTicket from Heilbronn is valid in the Kreisverkehr area. Overall above 600 buses and trains are provided with hardware for the (((eTicket and KolibriCard and there are nearly 200 automatic units at train stations for check-in and check-out.
In the RufBus all valid tickets of the circle traffic are recognized. Likewise the Baden-Württemberg-Ticket and the MetropolTagesTicket of the metropolitan region Stuttgart, as well as the new bwtarif. The Nice-Weekend-Ticket, Cross-Country-Ticket and HNV tickets (SunshineTicket, FrankenTicket etc.) are not accepted. The joint semester ticket from HNV and KreisVerkehr is also valid.
Because almost exclusively taxis are used in the RufBus, ticket sales can only be made there with emergency tickets. Only single tickets will be sold, if applicable, discounts for children, BahnCard or KolibriCard. Check-in/check-out with KolibriCard (CiCo) is currently not possible at the RufBus. Also in the taxi no triptied tickets are sold. The sale takes place only for the route of the RufBus line.
From this follows: Starting a trip with the RufBus, and then switching to a regular bus or a train, does not pass the purchase of two tickets. Likewise, no one-day ticket, Baden-Württemberg-Tickets, MetropolTages Tickets or monthly tickets are sold in the taxi.
One-day tickets are available in advance at the customer centers of KreisVerkehr in Schwäbisch Hall and Crailsheim. The Baden-Württemberg-Ticket, the MetropolTagesTicket and Tickets of bwtarif can be purchased in advance via internet or mobile phone. DB ticket vending machines and DB travel centers are also available for advance sale.
For the further journey in the area of KreisVerkehr following a call bus trip, a reduced connection fee can be redeemed. This then applies to a freely selectable number of zones beyond the path already solved in the RufBus. You only pay for the children's price for each additional zone!
Fahrgäste mit einer Zeitkarte (Monatskarte oder Jahreskarte/Abo eines Verbundes des bwtarif oder der DB) haben die Möglichkeit, eine Anschlussfahrkarte nach DB-Tarif oder ggf. bwtarif über den Geltungsbereich ihrer Zeitkarte hinaus zu lösen. Diese „Fahrkarte zur Weiterfahrt“ kann bereits am Startbahnhof an den Fahrkartenautomaten oder im ReiseZentrum gelöst werden.
Zu finden ist die „Fahrkarte zur Weiterfahrt“ an den Fahrkartenautomaten unter der Rubrik „Gesamtes Angebot“, und hier unter der Auswahl „Service und Zusatzkarten“ sowie „Fahrkarten zur Weiterfahrt“. Im weiteren Verlauf kann dann wie gewohnt ein Fahrschein unter Eingabe des Start- und Zielbahnhofs gewählt werden, wobei hier jetzt auch Fahrscheine innerhalb von Verkehrsverbünden erhältlich sind, also z. B. von Niederstetten nach Crailsheim oder von Fornsbach nach SHA-Hessental, oder auch innerhalb des VVS z. B. von Fornsbach nach Backnang.
Bitte beachten Sie, dass die vorhandene Zeitkarte immer bis zum jeweiligen Startbahnhof gültig sein muss, und nur von dort ab eine „Fahrkarte zur Weiterfahrt“ als Einzel- oder Hin- und Rückfahrkarte gelöst werden kann.
Innerhalb des eigenen Verbundes kann mit Verbundzeitkarte keine Anschlussfahrkarte gelöst werden. Beim KreisVerkehr gibt es hierfür den Anschlussfahrausweis für RegioMonat- und RegioAbo-Kunden.
In contrast to the Baden-Württemberg-Ticket the MetropolTagesTicket is not valid in the whole of Baden-Württemberg, but only in the Stuttgart metropolitan region. The traffic area extends to both the entire VVS region, as well as to the transport of all the VVS adjacent transport networks (without the extension regions).
More Informations:
In the KreisVerkehr area, MetropolTagesTickets are also valid from/to Rothenburg/Tauber (bus line 101 Schrozberg - Rothenburg), Schnelldorf (bus line 56 Crailsheim - Schnelldorf), Feuchtwangen (bus line 58 Crailsheim - Feuchtwangen) and Dinkelsbühl (bus lines 59/59A Crailsheim - Dinkelsbühl). By train the MetropolTagesTicket is not valid from/to Schnelldorf and Rothenburg!
The Baden-Württemberg-Ticket is valid on the route from Lauda to Würzburg. For those traveling from the district of Schwäbisch Hall is easily reached by trains from Crailsheim, Satteldorf, Wallhausen, Rot am See, Blaufelden and Schrozberg to Würzburg, sometimes without changing the train. The Baden-Württemberg-Ticket is available for the day of travel or in advance at the ticket offices of DB and at all automata at the stations. Also the ticket is available for the current day in the buses. The ticket is not available in the on-call buses (mostly taxis), but there still valid.
Furthermore, the Baden-Württemberg-Ticket is also on the stretch Crailsheim - Schnelldorf to create an attractive transition by train to the area of Nürnberg. Please note that this scheme on the rail route Crailsheim - Schnelldorf is not applicable for the MetropolTagesTicket and the tickets of KreisVerkehr. Here is only the bus from Crailsheim to Schnelldorf included (line 56, Röhler).
The Bayern-Ticket is valid on the route to and from Nürnberg to Crailsheim Station. It is available for the day of travel or in advance at the ticket offices and automata of DB, but not at the offices of KreisVerkehr and in the buses in the district of Schwäbisch Hall.
Please note: The Quer-durchs-Land-Ticket valid within the KreisVerkehr Schwäbisch Hall only in local trains of DB and Go-Ahead, but not in the buses and on-call buses.
With the introduction of the Deutschlandticket from May 1, 2023, the BahnCard 100 in the district of Schwäbisch Hall is also valid on buses and on-demand buses, because the BC 100 then includes the D-Ticket.
Die Messe Stuttgart auf den Fildern lädt zu vielen attraktiven Publikumsmessen ein. Das Messe-Ticket von bwtarif und Messe Stuttgart beinhaltet die Fahrt mit den öffentlichen Verkehrsmitteln (auch Busse) von und zur Messe sowie Eintritt für einen Messetag. Es ist auch im Landkreis Schwäbisch Hall an den Fahrkartenautomaten sowie bei den Verkaufsstellen erhältlich (hier mit Beratung und 2 Euro Aufschlag je Ticket). Der Preis ist gestaffelt nach Anzahl der Besucher/innen und dem jeweiligen Messe-Termin.
Alle weiteren Infos zum Messe-Ticket
Im Bereich des KreisVerkehr Schwäbisch Hall gilt für ein- und ausbrechende Fahrten im Erweiterungsbereich des HNV (Heilbronner Hohenloher Haller Nahverkehr) der HNV-Tarif. Den Zonenplan sowie die entsprechenden Tarife finden Sie unter www.h3nv.de. Im Binnenverkehr des KreisVerkehr gilt weiterhin ausschließlich der KVSH-Tarif.
HNV-Fahrscheine mit dem Ziel Schwäbisch Hall bzw. der Preisstufe „Netz“ werden beim Umstieg auf den Stadtbus Schwäbisch Hall und auf die Busse der Firma Müller innerhalb des HNV-Geltungsbereiches ohne Einschränkungen anerkannt. Beim RufBus im Landkreis Schwäbisch Hall, der ausschließlich im Binnenverkehr fährt, werden alle HNV-Fahrscheine und -Zeitkarten (auch das Franken-Ticket) nicht anerkannt.
Fahrscheine und Abos nach HNV-Tarif werden für folgende Bus- und Bahnlinien angeboten, wenn der Einstieg oder der Ausstieg im HNV-Erweiterungsgebiet liegt:
Die entsprechenden Fahrscheine sind wie gewohnt in den jeweiligen Bussen, an den genannten Bahnhöfen am Schalter bzw. Automaten sowie bei unserem KundenCenter in Schwäbisch Hall erhältlich.
In the center of Schwäbisch Hall there is the possibility to buy tickets in Kocherquartier. Here customers can easily solve all their tickets and retrieve up-to-date information before starting a trip, and this in the middle of the city. The ticket machine is located in the basement "Basement" in the Kocherquarter, at the REWE market, right next to the parking ticket machines of Stadtwerke. It is weather-protected accessible around the clock.
At the vending machine all tickets are available: bwtarif, DB tariff including long-distance traffic (IC/ICE), as well as Verbund tariff of the KreisVerkehrs. In addition, timetable information and reservations are possible. A touch of the screen is enough to operate the on-screen menus. You can pay with cash (coins and banknotes) as well as debit card, credit card and debit card.
All country tickets, the cross-country ticket as well as bwtarif and MetropolTages tickets can also be purchased at the ticket vending machine, even in advance sales.
Meanwhile, the intended as a substitute for civil service Federal voluntary service was enshrined in law. According to this, participants of the Federal Voluntary Service have been apprentices within the meaning of §§45a PBefG and 6a AEG since July 2011 and are therefore entitled to purchase student monthly tickets and the RegioAbo S. This also applies to the KreisVerkehr.
The same applies to participants in a voluntary social year (FSJ) or comparable social and ecological services.
Vollzugsbeamte der Polizei und des Bundesgrenzschutzes werden, wenn sie die Uniform des Vollzugsdienstes tragen, unentgeltlich befördert. In Zügen gilt dies für die 2. Klasse. Als zusätzliche Legitimation dient der Dienstausweis. Kriminalbeamte des Landes Baden-Württemberg werden auch dann befördert, wenn sie keine Uniform tragen, dafür aber das K-Etui sichtbar tragen.
Mitarbeitende der Bahnhofsmissionen werden auf einer Dienstfahrt zur Begleitung sowie zur jeweiligen Rückfahrt in Dienstkleidung (Weste oder Jacke) und mit Dienstausweis mit Lichtbild und der Fahrtberechtigung der Bahnhofsmission Mobil unentgeltlich befördert. In Zügen gilt dies für die 2. Klasse.
Gültige Freifahrtausweise von aktiven Soldatinnen und Soldaten der Bundeswehr in Dienstkleidung werden unter Vorlage eines Truppenausweises ausschließlich in Zügen (2. Klasse) anerkannt.
In the case of a delay or cancellation, all passengers with a valid subscription card for adults (RegioAbo, RegioFirmenAbo, and Regio60plus) as well as disabled persons (disability certificate including free transit) will have taxi costs up to €35.00 refunded if they would have reached their destination more than 30 minutes later than the time stated in the schedule and no other suitable travel alternative with bus or train was available at the time.
The mobility guarantee can always be invoked if the fault lies with one of the transport companies cooperating in KreisVerkehr. In the case of force majeure (e.g. severe weather, bomb threats, strikes, or suicide) as well as measures such as road closures announced in advance, there will be no compensation. Reimbursement is also excluded if the delay or cancellation is the fault of the passenger.
In order to receive a refund, customers must submit a completed application and the original taxi receipt as well as a subscription number or a copy of a disability certificate with a token. Everything must be submitted to KreisVerkehr within 14 days of the incident. After examination of the claim, the refund will then be transferred to the bank account specified. A cash payment or settlement with the ticket purchase/subscription are excluded.
More information about the refund formular can be requested at info@kreisverkehr-sha.de.
For some time now, the passenger rights law passed by EU Regulation 1371/2007 of the European Parliament and the European Council has entered into force. These regulations only cover regio tariff tickets in the RegioTarif area, which are used for rail travel. Buses and bus rides are excluded from these regulations.
Refund forms and all other information can be found at
Mit einer Jobticket-Vereinbarung können Arbeitgeber gemeinsam mit dem KreisVerkehr Anreize schaffen, die den Arbeitnehmerinnen und Arbeitnehmern eine kostengünstige Mobilität mit Bus und Bahn ermöglichen. Mit Einführung des Deutschlandtickets wird dieses für Mitarbeiter, die einen Zuschuss von mindestens 25 % des Deutschlandticket-Grundpreises erhalten, um 5 % rabattiert. Der effektive Eigenanteil des Arbeitnehmers beträgt somit maximal 34,30 Euro. Eine Mindestbestellmenge für das Unternehmen gibt es nicht.
Die Bestellung erfolgt über ein AboOnline-Tool mit integriertem Freigabeprozess durch den Arbeitgeber.
Die Abbuchung der Monatsrate für das Deutschlandticket Job kann entweder direkt vom Bankkonto des Arbeitnehmers, oder aber in Summe vom Bankkonto des Arbeitgebers erfolgen. Davon abhängig wird der Arbeitgeber-Zuschuss entweder mit der Lohn- und Gehaltsabrechnung steuerfrei vergütet, oder aber der Eigenanteil von der Lohn- und Gehaltsabrechnung abgezogen.